How can I be a part?

If you are holding a Vincent Chin case commemoration or educational event, please contact Frances Kai-Hwa Wang to discuss collaboration possibilities.

I can send you postcards for your audience to fill out, graphics for the postcards, graphics for power point slides, or you can ask people to answer the questions electronically.

I can come speak or help recommend speakers.

EMAIL photographs of the completed postcards to RememberingVincentChin AT gmail DOT com today:
What does the Vincent Chin case mean to you?
How does the Vincent Chin case inspire you?
TWITTER: Tag @fkwang and #VincentChin
What does the Vincent Chin case mean to you?
How does the Vincent Chin case inspire you?
Responses will be posted at (OR if I can get the url back)

Also, Speak out
Tell the story
Stand up for others
Teach others about hate crimes and bullying

Thanks! Keep telling the story!

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