I've been keeping a roundup of responses to Neal Rubin's terrible article in Detroit News trying to rewrite the Vincent Chin case here at RememberingVincentChin.com, but I wanted to coallate all the responses into one post as well. Here is a summary, with the best articles on top.
Truly beautiful analysis and convo from the great Jeff Yang with quotes from Helen Zia, Renee Tajima-Peña Curtis Chin and Neal Rubin too about Neal Rubin Detroit News article in context of larger issue of Bundy and Sterling and wishing racism would just go away already.
Pretending racism doesn’t exist won’t make it go away - Quartz
Powerful statement from Stewart Kwoh at Asian Americans Advancing Justice LA:
Detroit News Columnist Trivializes Vincent Chin's Murder and Its Legacy | Asian Americans Advancing Justice - LA
Frank Wu's excellent response against Neal Rubin's aggravating revisionist history in Detroit News. Get all your facts straight here:
The Case Against Vincent Chin | Frank H. Wu
From Jenn Fang at Reappropriate, updated with images of the almost original article vs what it says now (several changes were made after the original time of publication at April 29 1:03 am ish without any editorial note about the updates--bad journalistic practice).
Reporter blames Vincent Chin for his own murder? | @nealrubin_dn | Reappropriate
Yes! The Asian American Journalists Association holding the Detroit News to journalistic standards.
Asian American Journalists Association – AAJA seeks retraction from The Detroit News for Neal Rubin’s column revisiting the Vincent Chin murder case
From Emil Guillermo on the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) blog re that Neal Rubin article in The Detroit News...
Blog: Happy Asian American Pacific Islander Month...and BTW, the race aspects of the murder of Vincent Chin are no urban myth - AALDEF
From the Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission Chair Jamie Hsu on the Vincent Chin Murder Case
MDCR - Statement from MAPAAC Chair Jamie Hsu on the Vincent Chin Murder Case
from Julianne Hing in Colorlines on Neal Rubin's article in Detroit News:
Detroit News Columnist Rewrites History of Vincent Chin Hate Crime - COLORLINES
from Steve Han at KoreAm:
Detroit News Reporter Downplays Vincent Chin Murder As A Bar Brawl Gone Awry « KoreAm Journal – Korean America's Premier Magazine
Roundup from Randall Yip in AsAmNews:
AsAm News | Asian Americans react with outrage at attempt to revise Asian American history
And here is my initial respose:
Hey Neal Rubin, According to the juror interviewed in the Academy Award winning documentary, "Who Killed Vincent Chin?" the jurors in Detroit federal trial found Ms. Racine Colwell to be THE most credible witness in the whole trial. You also forgot about the part where Ebens and Nitz paid Jimmy Perry $20 to help them hunt down "the Chinaman," before finally finding him at the McDonald's. Yes, Ronald Ebens was employed at Chrysler at the time (and Nitz had recently been laid off)--that was one of the reasons cited by Judge Kaufmann for the lenient sentence, that having a job gives one license to kill--but that does not mean that this case still was not all about race. Rather than relying on random third-hand information for a convoluted argument, you should do some research before launching your revisionist history and irresponsible journalism. The Michigan State Bar has deemed this case a Michigan Legal Milestone. You should talk to them.
--Frances Kai-Hwa Wang
Here is Neal Rubin's terrible article in The Detroit News (Note: the content has been changed several times since first publication April 29, 2014, 1:03 am ish without any editor's notes regarding the updates):
What we all assume we know about the Vincent Chin case probably isn't so | The Detroit News
And here is the almost as terrible article by Charlie LeDuff in the New York Times that started it all with a careless offhand comment re the Vincent Chin case:
A Beating in Detroit - NYTimes.com
UPDATED with two new articles:
Frank Wu response in Detroit News
Race integral part of Vincent Chin case | The Detroit News
UNITY Statement from David Steinberg, the UNITY president, on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aajamain/permalink/10152457570541474/
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