Thursday, June 21, 2012

Guest commentary: 30 years after Vincent Chin's killing, the challenge to fight bigotry remains | Detroit Free Press |

Excellent commentary in Detroit Free Press from Hassan Jaber, executive director of the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services.
So, yes, we can and must call on those in positions of power, from public officials to news organizations, to take a higher road. But as citizens of a country built on immigration, freedom and diversity, we also know what's right; it's in our DNA. And we must take the lead.
Every one of us has a responsibility to fight prejudice, to challenge bias, to think critically about what we read, see and hear. If we want our public officials to change their tones, their divisive messages must fall on our deaf ears.
If Vincent Chin, Trayvon Martin or Matthew Shepard came back to us today, would they find this nation a better place? The answer lies within each of us. It's time to renew our commitment to fight bigotry and bias, to pledge ourselves to civil and human rights. That must start with each of us before it can spread to society at large.

Guest commentary: 30 years after Vincent Chin's killing, the challenge to fight bigotry remains | Detroit Free Press |

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